
Learn about who we are.

We strive to provide outstanding customer service and offer the CMU community the competitively priced products they need to succeed.
The CMU Bookstore is owned and operated by Central Michigan University. Every penny spent in our store stays here on campus to help fund campus programs and course material scholarships.

Contact Us

CMU Bookstore(989) 774-7493bookstore@cmich.edu202 Bovee University CenterCentral Michigan UniversityMt PleasantMI 48859View Map

Regular Hours

Store hours
Monday8:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday8:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday8:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday10:00AM - 3:00PM

Bookstore Management:

Thank you for visiting our website, your inquires are welcome!

Barry Waters, Director
Phone: (989) 774-7493
Email: water1b@cmich.edu

Deb Stack, Assistant Director/Clothing & Gifts Buyer
Phone: (989) 774-7497
Email: stack1da@cmich.edu

Kim Yates, Assistant Director/Textbook Manager
Phone: (989) 774-1584
Email: yates1km@cmich.edu

Kim Hohlbein-Ellis, Textbook Coordinator
Phone: (989) 774-5829
Email: hohlb1k@cmich.edu

Meren Cucksey, Marketing & Events Coordinator
Phone: (989) 774-7498
Email: cucks1mk@cmich.edu

Cindy Main, Global Campus Textbook Coordinator
Phone: (989) 774-3770
Email: main1c@cmich.edu

Foster Williamson, Lead Cashier/School Supplies & Art Buyer
Phone: (989) 774-7499
Email: willi2jf@cmich.edu

Candy Stockel, Merchandise Specialist
Phone: (989) 774-7976
Email: stock1cl@cmich.edu

Liz Cashen, Embroidery Shop Coordinator
Phone: (989) 774-2137
Email: cashe1ea@cmich.edu

Deb Boyle, Office Manager/Accounts Payable
Phone: (989) 774-7995
Email: boyle1da@cmich.edu

Sydney Pitchford, Web Content Coordinator
Phone: (989) 774-7493
Email: pitch2sm@cmich.edu


If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about the website please contact us at: bookstoreweb@cmich.edu